
A montage of garden images, with close ups of chard, peas, a sunflower, and a young person learning about fermentation.
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Seeding, Weeding, Feeding, and Putting Up

I’ve grown these flowers, these vegetables, and this child, from tiny little seeds.  While the seams of society are ripping open, and the horrors of systemic racism, police violence, predatory tendencies of capitalism all are cast into the bright summer solstice sun, we have spiritual and political garden work to tend to. We need to…

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If the transparent sees their shadow? Will revolution come in an early spring?

I’ve been relatively silent in this stream for a number of months now. Huge changes unfolded over those months, including important perspective shifts and closing of chapters that had served their time. There has been grief, transition, experimentation, re-starting and stripping down to the basics.   I spent a period of time putting a degree…