Join our community for upcoming events
Kori Doty hosts Show & Tell events, workshops, and other offerings. Find out more about them here.
Soft Touch Bodies! & Pleasure (your) Chest!
Hey folks, I haven’t been keeping up with posting here as often these days. For all the reasons, the algorithm pages and my supporter sponsored Patreon get all the freshest news and updates, and it can take me minute to bring the news over to these parts. First thing, you might have gotten an email…
Pleasure (your) Chest – workshop series
Announcing the registration and community care fundraiser for Pleasure (your) Chest an embodiment workshop series for trans masc spectrum folks who have had top surgery
Upcoming Workshop Collaboration- Pleasure (Your) Chest: coming in September!
Top Surgery can be a life saving procedure, but is not always as simple as the common narrative. This post announces an upcoming workshop offering partnership with Jess DeVries called Pleasure (your) Chest, which is a 4 part series for people who have had masculinizing chest surgery which we will be starting to offer online in September.
Show & Tell – Gifts & Presence
Looking forward to a cozy Friday evening gathering to dive into gifts and presence. The ticket portal is open til Thursday night.
Why Do I host events in Topia?
I have been thinking about this a lot over the past few weeks, as I made my poster for the CBRC summit, and then as I went to the in person summit and have had more time to ponder about what hosting & attending events is about for me. As someone who continues to keep…
CBRC Poster Presentation
I made this poster for the Community Based Research Council summit before realizing I would need to pay to have it printed. Rather than do that, I have just posted it here so folks can access it through their devices.