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Kori Doty hosts events, workshops, and other offerings. Find out more about them here.

Upcoming Events

February 2025

Keeping Your Spirits- TODAY!

I am excited to join folks this evening for a little time of togetherness. I originally wanted to offer the option of an afternoon time block, especially if there were folks from further east that wanted in and the evening time slot was too late for them, but when it came right down to it,…


I have just updated a bunch of events coming up and you can find them on the event tab here on this website. Go check them out to see what I have coming up over the next couple of months.

Looking Back on This Is My Body

A few months ago my pierogi (a term of endearment for one of my polyamourous partners) Caitlin, came to Jess and I with an idea. The progressive church, Open Way, where they are co-pastor curates a community building, educational offering each year, focused on a different matter of collective liberation. This year, they proposed, members…

Pre-Holidays Workshop

Next month, rather than planning a 3rd Wednesday afternoon Craft Crossover (especially because the 3rd wednesday is the 25th) I’m cooking up something else instead. I’m trying doing 2 different times, one in the afternoon and one after my kid’s bed time. I hope that y’all will join me to explore and practice tools and…

Role Play Recap- October STICC musings

The theme for this month’s Soft Touch Intimate Craft Crossover was costumes & erotic role play.  A number of key teachables came up over the 2 hour cozy crafternoon and I thought better than to just leave those points for only those who made it in person. Obviously, I am not going to share anyone…

Update on Pleasure (your) Chest Community Care Fund

After wrapping up the 5th cohort through the “Pleasure (Your) Chest” workshop series we wanted to give an update to the folks in our community who have been helping us keep this going. As you probably know, we offer this to folks on a sliding scale. We know that there are significant, compounding axis of…