So many waves and lines in side by side patterns.

About Kori

Kori’s pronouns are “they/them/their”.

Kori is a non-binary genderqueer trans person currently a visitor on the unceded territory of the Coast Salish people, Victoria in British Columbia, Canada.

You can be a part of financially supporting Kori’s work by joining their Donut Club on Patreon, where you will receive early access to their new work, exclusive content and discounts on all workshops and events.

What they do


Kori has a presence across social media that attempts to lead people back here to their website and/or to support them through Patreon. You can follow them on IG, Facebook, and TikTok to keep up with their short form & graphic content like TV, movie and book reviews.


Kori self published a book of poems called “More Love than Pressure” which is available for purchase from your local bookseller. They also did a small run self print of a self published novella, “Extolling Your Virtues”, which is now available for purchase as an e-book.

Kori wrote a piece as part of the CBRC Summit 2021 Creators Project and was featured in a written panel in the BONDING issue of the Blackwood Gallery Broadsheet in May 2022.
Kori co-edited a book with Dr. A.J. Lowik on non-binary pregnancy, birthing and parenting titled The Liminal Chrysalis, published by Demeter Press.

Kori has written for Scarleteen, well known resource for sexual health, on navigating relationships when chronic pain is present, in an article titled Partners in Pain with co author andi grace. This essay was also published in When Language Runs Dry. Kori published Acid Church in RFD Magazine Issue 167, along with co author andi grace.

Workshop Writing & Facilitation

Kori co-teaches the 4 part series “Pleasure (your) Chest” with Jess DeVries of Beloved Coaching 3 times per year. Pleasure (Your) Chest is for trans masculine individuals who have had any sort of top surgery and are looking for a supportive group container to explore embodying their whole post-op bodies. In an effort to ensure that this sort of extended care is accessible, we have also established a community care fund to help reduce financial barriers.

Kori & Jess also teach This is My Body: Resurrecting Self-Sovereignty, Embodiment & Pleasure a 3 part workshop series for folks who have been impacted by the Christian church.

Kori wrote and piloted their workshop, Embodied Personal Risk Assessment for the 2022 Interior Men’s Health Guythering. This workshop is available as a recording to glazed and cream filled level members of the Donut Club

Kori has created curriculum and facilitated 101 level learning on gender diversity and trans inclusion. They offered workshops at the Kootenay Herb Conference in 2018, at the Vallican Whole and at the 2018 Bass Coast Festival.

Kori, along with collaborator andi grace created and ran Glitter Rebellion – a touring workshop to help participants connect to internal and inherited resilience.

Kori has worked contract curriculum writing projects with organizations, developing, piloting and training in the delivery of workshops on topics pertaining to sexuality, relationships, harm reduction and related topics.

Kori offered an online curriculum on resilience building for trans folks and allies in 2016, this archived content has been mostly retired considering massive changes to the cultural landscape over the time since the course was written.

Kori Doty stands on their porch in the shade.
Photo by Jordan Reznick, PhD.
A donut with everything on it.

Harm reduction

Kori worked with ANKORS – AIDS Network Kootenay Outreach and Support Society in a variety of roles. They led the delivery of ANKORS harm reduction services at Shambhala Music festival between 2013 and 2018, including training volunteers in best practice and service delivery of educational info, re-agent tests and destigmatizing conversations about recreational, medicinal and ceremonial substance use. Kori has also worked with YouthCo, a peer-led agency working to reduce the impact of stigma related to HIV and Hep C. As part of their harm reduction work, they produced podcasts (Sex, Drugs and How we Roll), videos (Stoked on Pokes and Harm Reduction) and curriculum (ANKORS Street College) to engage community in person and online.

Public Speaking

Kori is honoured to have been invited to sit on panels, present in conferences and speak as a guest lecturer in post-secondary spaces. Since the covid-19 pandemic, appearances have been online, some of which can be found archived on the digital landscape.

They have recorded and produced a podcast called Imagination Revolution: UBI that explores the imaginal possibilities of what our lives could be like if our basics were covered. They have also been a guest on a handful of other podcasts that can be found archived on the online offerings page.

Kori marked Trans Awareness Day on Instagram Live with Dr. Kyl Myers, author of “Raising Them”.

Kori made a guest appearance on Bria’s Sunday Portrait show on Twitch.

Kori joined AVI for world AIDS day to discuss STI testing in Covid on a Facebook Live Event.

Kori presented a talk “Being Prayed Upon” at the Moving Trans History Forward Conference in 2019 and a talk co-authored with barbara findlay “…And the Law Says” at Moving Trans History Forward 2021.

They have shared their expertise working with youth on a panel in the Creating Caring Communities Conference.

Kori blends lived experience with community activism and service.

Legal Activism & Advocacy

Kori was a complainant on the BC Human Rights challenge aiming to change gender markers on birth certificates with lawyer barbara findlay. They are a part of the Gender-Free ID Coalition. The vital statistics agency of British Columbia started offering birth certificates without gender markers as of summer 2023 as a result of this activism.

More about Kori

Kori grew up in a conservative protestant church in a small city and was involved as a kid in organizing amongst their peers and in church. When they were 17, a journey leaving home on an international exchange was the impetus for their journey exploring and arriving at words, experiences and communities in which they found comfort and identity – words like trans, genderqueer, queer, pansexual, polyamourous, butch, femme, non-binary, gender rebel, psychonaut, and witch.

Kori has completed the first 2 core courses of Somatic Sex Education with the Institute For Somatic Sex Education as well as supplemental elective trainings.

Kori’s experiences from their pregnancy and parenting journey inspired their sharing and working to resource other non binary folks on the same path. Birthing Beyond the Binary, co-created with Amanda Phoenix and Elsa Asher was an online resource, which has since been handed off to king yaa who has since evolved the project in more intersectional and decolonizing directions.

The Liminal Chrysalis, is a book co-edited with A. J. Lowik January 2022 by Demeter Press.

“I just finished eight weeks of this course – it was awesome! I highly recommend it to any and all. … you will learn a lot about yourself, no matter your orientation or identity!”

participant in Kori’s online course, Resilience Building for Trans Folks and Our Allies.