This Is My Body
February 9 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
This Is My Body: Resurrecting Self Sovereignty, Embodiment & Pleasure is a 4-part interactive and somatically informed workshop series brought to you by Kori Doty of Soft Touch Bodies and Jess DeVries of Beloved Coaching. We both grew up in Christian church traditions and felt some calling to ministry in our younger days and left when we felt that living in the fullness of who we were as people was not welcome in the church. When we later found our ways back to our bodies, including sexuality and gender experiences that were at odds with our upbringing, we each longed for and crafted individual rituals and practices to bridge the expanses between where we came from and where we found ourselves.
This workshop series comes from a desire to share what we know about embodiment and pleasure while holding space for the deep inquiry it takes to define sexual values that are in alignment with the truth within yourself and your deeply personal relationship to spirit and community. We crafted this offering into what felt like a familiar framework; a liturgical structure that borrows from traditions that our bodies know and integrates somatics and embodiment tools, intersectional analysis, and our own theologies of pleasure.
In This is My Body, we turn back to the places that we came from, holding the door open for others to follow us into the liberation we have found and learned to cultivate as professional sex & embodiment coaches; in the way that is just right for your body, sexuality, and relationship to the divine.
Session 1: Upon this Rock: Investigating the Foundations
Session 2: Exploring Aligned Sexual Values and Ethics
Session 3: Feeling Into Self-Sovereignty and Interconnectedness
Session 4: Honoring Our Embodied Pleasure
This series is open to those who have left the church, attend regularly, are deconstructing, or lead congregations. If you want to attend to the ways that church doctrine has harmed your relationship with your body and sexual expression, you are welcome.
We facilitate in a way that allows folks to be on or off camera, share out loud, in the chat or anonymously. Our goal is to create a space that lets you move at the pace that is just right for your nervous system and participate as you choose from your own embodied yes.
Sundays; February 9th, 16th, 23rd & March 2nd
1:00 – 3:00 PST
$250- Full price: For those who are gainfully employed and/or have other trappings of financial security like owning a home or having access to intergenerational wealth. Folks who can pay this price help make it possible for us to offer the other scales to those who need it.
$175- Medium price: For folks who may have consistent income, but also have consistent significant draws to your funds like rent that’s too damn high and/or credit card or medical debt. Folks who pay this middle price help support the livelihood of the providers while also taking into consideration the need to be modest with their spending.
$125- Budget price: For folks who may have inconsistent or insufficient access to income, including gig workers, emerging artists and disabled folks without support pensions to compensate for their inconsistent ability to perform within capitalism. If this price is outside of your ability and you would like to participate in the course, please be in touch with us by email ( or
Zoom Room with Captions