I got a message from a friend whose kid saw a character in a book that reminded her of me. This tells about the book and discusses the importance of queer and trans representation in children’s media.
I got a message from a friend whose kid saw a character in a book that reminded her of me. This tells about the book and discusses the importance of queer and trans representation in children’s media.
I had been very loosely following the development of frontline resistance happening at Fairy Creek over the past year. I knew a few people who had been up, I had heard frustrations, about societal dynamics replicating in ways we’d be better off without and also just struggles to maintain numbers. But as we have to…
An open letter to parents (especially cis{not trans} gendered and/or straight parents) considering bringing your children to pride, Pride is a cultural festival. It is a festival that comes from a culture of struggle, of resistance. Our culture, queer and trans culture, pride culture, is a beautiful and exciting rainbow sparkle fest, but also has…
I have just returned home to the homostead from a trip that had rubber ends, originally planned as a jet set 2 day turnaround to see Janelle Monae perform in Vancouver. I did go to the show, and it was amazing. But way more amazing than my current state could handle. I sat down mid…
I haven’t written much about Searyl’s allergies, but yesterday we had a day out that reminded me that it was something I had been meaning to do. They are almost 11 months old now, and as kids are apt to do, they have been challenging me in some of the ways I perhaps most needed…