Headphones and microphones sit on a wooden table in a brick and glass room.
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Gender Dilemma & Podcast Futures

A while back UK researcher Connie Enzler got a hold of me to ask if I would be open to being interviewed for a podcast they were making as a part of their research into gender. I agreed and we recorded a long, emotional interview. Of course I was one of a number of excellent guests, and while Connie is hoping to secure funding to expand the interview content into a longer series, the initial show they crafted is an excellent primer on “The Gender Dilemma”.

Give the show a listen and a like on Soundcloud to help support the creation of such solid content.

If you are a podcast creator and want to do a guest swap, where i guest on your show and/or you come onto one of mine- send me an email and we can set something up. I love guesting on other folks shows and while I get the first episodes ready to launch both the Sluts Devotional and Imagination Revolution: UBI; I am in need of more folks who want to collaborate and cross promote. It’s been some years since I closed the chapter of “Sex, Drugs and How We Roll” on Kootenay Coop Radio, with production support from ANKORS and I am quite looking forward to returning to this medium.

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