Author: Kori Doty

Kori is a non-binary genderqueer trans person with more than a decade of community facilitation experience. They specialize in sexual health, harm reduction, community organizing, technical knowledge exchange and radical approaches to wellness.

Magically Delicious (a post about the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy)

People have been asking me, pretty much every time I go out in public, “So how’s the pregnancy going?”. I’ve discussed this with other parents before about how once we venture into this whole process, the ways that we are vessels trump everything else about who we may have been. Good friends have shared with…

Turned Up

Working in harm reduction I have heard people describe certain substances in a way that they “turn up the experience.” Some drugs will synergistically turn up the effects of others, while other substances have the ability to turn up the experience of the music, the lights, the emotions. Sometimes this amplification is a desired and…

My Vote of Confidence

A few months ago andi and I were having acid church in my bus house and started chatting about the topic of breeding. I had, since my miscarriage a couple of years ago mostly backed away from the plans and connections that I had had with that whole realm. I had at one time had a…


To those who identify as “Pre-everything”, I see this a lot, especially on trans groups and on tumblr. People who have not engaged in any medical interventions that they may be hoping to someday pursue. The implication is that they are in a stage where everything that will make them who they are is yet…

Learning to Love the Body I live in- across binaries, through pain and into the flow.

Learning to love living in this body I live in has been somewhat of an epic and ongoing quest. In the lead up to this weeks’ focus in Resilience Building for Trans Folks and Our Allies; “BODIES”, I wanted to tell a bit of the story of how I learned to live in, tend to…

Reflecting on Time: Non-linear, wibbly wobbly adventures in creative thinking and expression

As a woo inclined psychedelic exploring imagineer and sci fi fan it can be hard for me to think of time as something that is neat enough to fit along a line. I understand it to be wibbly wobbly and one of the things that is actually more detailed and complex than our human brains…

Telling Trans Stories: Coming Into Authentic Self During the Rise of the “Trans Tipping Point”

“You guys know about vampires? … You know, vampires have no reflections in a mirror? There’s this idea that monsters don’t have reflections in a mirror. And what I’ve always thought isn’t that monsters don’t have reflections in a mirror. It’s that if you want to make a human being into a monster, deny them,…