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Show & Tell- The One That Got Away

Back when promoting the second ever show and tell last fall, for the theme strap-ons, I told a story about a bag o’ dicks that was lost forever. Over the time since then, many more people have shared with me stories about lost toys, and even some lucky ones that came home again.

I figured it was about time to have a show & tell night focused on this particular type of story sharing, which may involve less showing, and more telling about the one’s that got away. Desire and pleasure are woven with grief and struggle, and the space created in the show & tell has room for all of that and more.

I am excited to announce that Jess Devries of Beloved Coaching will be joining us for this potentially griefy swap. It seemed a real natural connection to what she is doing with her Mindful Erotic Grief Events. This is a peer sourced celebration of lost toys, the things we loved and hated about them and the stories that weave our experienced of erotic grief with the devices of desire imbued with them. Together We Fly… excited for this and more collaborations with other Somatic Sex Education colleagues in the coming months.

This time around at the show and tell, we expect to hold space for some loss, and maybe even some “fish tales”, you know the sort of things that become more legendary the longer it’s been. Scroll through the promotional images to get a sense of what sorts of things we may be prepared for. As always, the show & tell is what is made of it, the folks who come all are a part of shaping the event. I hope you will join us.

Tickets are on sale now!

The Show & Tell is a chance for pleasure seekers, sex educators, and toy designers + sellers to come together- and share what we are coming for/with. Kori has been hosting these events monthly since fall 2021; each month exploring different types of toys and tools.

The event is hosted in Topia, which is a social engagement platform where attendees can see and hear each other over video chat, but also have the opportunity to “move throughout the space”, allowing a more organic flow between conversations. It requires a browser (chrome preferably, but firefox beta is now in use), headphones and a webcam. Test running topia before the event is recommended to make sure your technology is compatible. Some folks have noted that this platform can be very demanding and it is recommended to close all other apps, tabs and windows before booting it up as well as ensuring that your computer is in good working order.

This space offers an opportunity to come and learn from others about toys & tools you may be curious about, and bring your own favourites to show + tell about. Vendors are welcome to share product and make connections with potential future clients, but this is not a sales expo, it is primarily for educational and community building purposes. This is a space to bring your questions, and crowd source information and experience from a community of sex – positive individuals. (what is sex – positive? I see it as a way of understanding sex and sexuality as morally neutral, innate and divinely mysterious aspects of human life, that are laced up in cultural and personal complexity and trauma. Being sex positive doesn’t mean you are down for any or all sex, it is possible to be asexual, not personally drawn to sex, and be sex positive. The brand of sex positivity we practice in this space is also hinged on personal agency and consent, recognizing each individual as the best boss of their own self)

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